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The Gritty Nurse Podcast

Dec 27, 2020

The Gritty Nurses chat with Linda Silas, president of the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions, which represents over 200,000 nurses.

We discuss ongoing PPE shortages, the 40,000 or 20% of workers affected, and the government, municipal and hospital response. What did we learn from the first wave and apply to the second...

Dec 17, 2020

In this lighthearted episode, Sara and Amie discuss their experiences of attending holiday parties as nurses. The booze, the bods, the DJing? Grab your cup of hot cocoa and your favourite holiday Snuggie and have a listen. 

Dec 10, 2020

The Gritty Nurse are joined again by nurse Matthew, who describes a situation during his time as a nursing student where he experienced incivility between two nurses on the unit. He decides to take a stand, and exercise his responsibility to advocate for what is right.

Ultimately, incivility and bullying can harm...

Dec 3, 2020

The tables are turned this week as the Gritty Nurses are interviewed by Sarah McVanel, recognition expert, professional speaker, and CEO of Greatness Magnified.

They give a recap of 2020, the Covid19 pandemic, occupational risks, PPE shortages, wage freezes, and what you can do to advocate for nurses by lobbying your...